
来源 :小学生(快乐新读写) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxak48
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暑假来临,学校空了,村前的小河满了。傍晚时分,天边挤满了嫣红的云兔,橙红的云狗,金红的云豹、云虎,它们在半空你推我搡、蹦蹦跳跳、嬉戏翻滚,把西天际变成了一个热闹非凡的霞的动物园。云霞下的小河呢,更满了。此时,全村的小孩几乎都泡在水里,像一河的蝌蚪,都盼着那水把自己一泡两泡的,泡成长腿的青蛙,可以去村外的世界尽情蹦达,尽情遨游。我和小妹、小弟,就是那满河蝌蚪中的小小一撮。 Summer is coming, the school is empty, the village before the river is full. In the evening, the sky was full of bright red clouds and rabbits, orange red cloud dog, golden red leopard, cloud tiger, they pushed you in the air, bounce, frolic and tumble, the West into a lively extraordinary Xia zoo. Cloud Xiaxia it under the more full. At this point, almost all children in the village soaked in water, like a river of tadpoles, are looking forward to the water to bubble their own two bubbles, soak into the legs of the frog, you can go to the world outside the village enjoy jumped up, enjoy travel. I and younger sister, brother, that is a small group of tadpoles in the river.