一、制度与人性的适配性是制度成功的先决条件一种经济制度的优劣 ,不能凭感情主观认定 ,只能以其在社会经济活动的具体实践中 ,对社会生产力促进作用的大小来评判。改革开放的实践证明 ,市场经济比计划经济表现出更多的优越性 ,这已是不争的事实。问题是为什么市场经济能比计?
First, the adaptability of the system and human nature is a prerequisite for the success of the system An economic system, the pros and cons can not be subjectively determined by feelings, only in its specific practice of social and economic activities, the role of social productivity to promote the size judge. The practice of reform and opening up has proved that it is an indisputable fact that the market economy shows more superiority than the planned economy. The question is why the market economy can be compared?