The impact of western design trends on Chinese landscape architecture

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  【Abstract】: this article from the Angle of design style, in this paper, the thoughts of western design on the impact of China's modern landscape design connotation.
  【Keywords】: Western design trends 、Chinese contemporary garden、Formalization 、Geometry
  一、Impact performance
  1、Garden architecture formalization
  Influenced by the western design trends, the modern landscape architecture is always focused on the prominent visual expressive force in the design. Especially in the west, postmodernism and deconstruction are highly respected by domestic designers. Because this design technique is easy to form the stereoscopic effect of interlacing and interleaving in space, to a certain extent, it enriches the visual effect of the garden, but this design has some disadvantages.
  First of all, it is out of proportion to the surroundings. Landscape architecture in China should consider the mutual collocation and contrast between plants, and form a high degree of artistic and scientific unity, which will bring spiritual pleasure to the people who visit the garden. Our contemporary landscape is to plant landscaping, when combined with a strong visual impact of the building, there will be the result. The "one-sided" western style architecture "we bring" does not accord with the purpose of contemporary garden design in function. The fast pace of modern society, make people want to find a peace at leisure, modern landscape as an open "land of idyllic beauty" has become the rest of people gathered, the peculiar architecture of western style may let people shine at the moment, but over the "fashion" will make people quickly produce visual fatigue of the thus, the significance of contemporary landscape are distorted.
  Secondly, the lack of architectural function. The contemporary garden of our country not only has practical function, can satisfy the tourist to appreciate each scenic spot, provide the space that they play and rest, but also have the function of the landscape, and play the role of view, admire and guide. The auxiliary facilities of landscape architecture itself is for the convenience of visitors tours of the park set up in recent years, the theme of "Park" originally popular weakened the function of building to a certain extent, especially contemporary designers over reliance on carving and sculpture, that form the meaning can show theme gardens, the landscape architecture lost intention.
  2、Garden plant geometry   The reason for this phenomenon is, first of all, that landscape architects do not really understand the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. Western culture rational and rigorous, and Chinese cultural sensibility, broad-minded. Chinese heart is yearning for the ideal fairy paradise, "international style" of the city has brought people's visual fatigue, people need emotional way to release your pressure, if the rest will have to face the "international" garden, modern landscape naturally lost the spiritual value.
  Secondly, the landscape plants are not clear. Plants are dominant in gardens, and plants not only have ecological functions, but also have human functions. Designers according to the growth of garden plants, seasons, types of different collocation, the scenery created by tourists relaxed and happy, bring spiritual pleasure. The modern designers are influenced by the western style design, they no longer attach importance to the status of garden plants, but only pay attention to the external manifestations of the beauty of plant form. Especially in the "post-modern garden" in the module puzzle plants, this design does not consider the survival rate of plants, but simply the plant as a decoration, take a temporary visual effects.
  二、The reason of impact
  1、Historical reasons
  The development of Chinese classical gardens to modern landscape, it is passed from feudal to modern times, to the modern transformation. In modern China because of low productivity, curing people feudal ideology, and is unwilling to accept innovation in design, and can't chew by itself the loss of life energy absorbing foreign culture, so that the garden development to modern or traditional ways of gardening. After the founding, our country is in the newborn period, countries for the revitalization of the economy, on the construction of lay particular stress on the development speed and working efficiency and quality of design and design of the traditional ignored, this period the landscape
  2、Designers themselves
  Modern design in our country started late and is still in the groping period until now. Modern design in our country is completely in accordance with the western design concept of communication and development, which makes our contemporary design confusion, Chinese and Western unclear. Our young designers in the study of western design, through the written description of the concept to understand, and no understanding of western culture, knowledge and one sidedness of the western design worship, led to the modern landscape design form than content.
  Chinese modern garden needs formal beauty to exist, but only pay attention to the beauty of form, but not pay attention to the substantive meaning, it will cause the garden to lose vitality. We need to progress the western design, western design concepts and technology, but not equal to copy the Western model, between the two kinds of civilization is there is a big difference, blind imitation will make China connected to the modern garden, the country's traditional culture, school to foreign civilization cultural essence, at last an awkward position.
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