From 550 BC, Persia rebelled against the domination of the Midi people and Darius invaded Europe in less than 40 years, from ten tribes to a slave empire spanning Asia, Africa and Europe. The reasons for the rapid development are as follows: First, the international environment is conducive to the independence and expansion of Persia. The conflict between Midi and Babylon was sharp in the sixth century BC, and the contradictions in the base of the rice were also intensified. Under this leadership, it is precisely this opportunity to rebel against the rule of Midi and strive for independence, while some slavery countries around Persia are in a decline phase, when the new Babylon Kingdom of Syria and Palestine, Is the only powerful country in West Asia. However, the continuous resistance by the ruling people and the struggle for power and power within the ruling group, as well as the collapse of the free people have greatly weakened the national strength, which has provided favorable conditions for the Persian’s external expansion. , One by one to break the strategic guidelines, so that the expansionary war in Persia to speed up the success of Persia in the establishment of the national institutions to destroy the same