Under incomplete information, the influence of parameter uncertainty of the first two moments of return on risk assets on dynamic portfolio selection is studied.Under the continuous time, it is assumed that the price of assets follows the process of stochastic diffusion, the parameter uncertainty is introduced and the stochastic dynamics The planning method deduces the closed solution to the optimal allocation of risky assets and maximizes the final utility of the wealth of investors. In the discrete time, the continuous compound monthly returns of risky assets are subject to the independent and identically distributed normal distribution, Sri Lankan University, Seoul, Korea 2. The study shows that when investors’ risk aversion is greater than (less than) logarithmic utility, parameter uncertainty will lead to negative (positive) investment Period effect.When investors use more historical data in the estimation process or the degree of risk aversion increases, the influence of the parameter uncertainty will be weakened.The uncertainty of the first moment of return has more influence than the second. Highlighting the importance of parameter uncertainty in the process of dynamic portfolio selection.