
来源 :瞭望周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghuah
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同全国牙膏行业在过去一年里普遍出现的生产下降、效益滑坡的不景气局面形成鲜明对照的是,杭州牙膏厂的总产量和产值创了历史最好水平,利税突破千万元大关。“奇迹”是怎样发生的呢? “困难年年有,但办法比困难多” 这是杭州牙膏厂厂长陈瑞华常挂在嘴边的一句话。办法怎么多起来的呢?这个宁波汉子一笑:“这全靠全厂职工的900个脑袋、900个积极性。” 改革几年来,厂领导从来没有放弃“工人是社会主义企业主人”的原则,他们一致认为,如果关系倒置,干部是主人,工人成了“干活的”,将是企业发 Compared with the sluggish performance of the nation’s toothpaste industry that has generally declined over the past year, the Hangzhou Toothpaste Factory has achieved the highest level of output and output value in history, with profits and taxes exceeding the threshold of 10 million yuan. How does the “miracle” happen? “There are difficulties every year, but the method is more difficult than it is.” This is the words of Chen Ruihua, director of the Hangzhou Toothpaste Factory. How did the method get so much? The man from Ningbo smiled: “This is all thanks to the 900 heads and 900 enthusiasm of the entire factory staff.” In the past few years of reform, the factory leaders have never given up the principle that “workers are masters of socialist enterprises.” It is agreed that if the relationship is reversed, the cadres are the masters, and the workers have become “work” and will be issued by the company.
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我女儿张琳今年16岁了,1991年被评为全国十佳少先队员,1994年又荣获首届宋庆龄奖学金。有人问我:女儿这么有出息,你是不是特别注重孩子早期智力开发? 其实,16年以前,我还不
人人都有天赋,做父母的您注意了吗? Everyone has talent, parents, you pay attention to it?
大多数幼童对音乐生来就有浓厚兴趣,不管他们在成年以后是否会成为一名音乐工作者,他们对音乐的喜爱,都会使他们终生受用。 Most young children have a strong interest in