
来源 :四川理工学院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plant720
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抗战前十年,南京国民政府进行了艰难、曲折但又颇有成效的统一努力,使中国逐步由分裂走向统一,为稍后的全国团结抗战准备了条件。承认现状,利用军阀矛盾,等待时机,全面改造等正确策略的运用使南京政府成功和平实现四川中央化,尽管反人民的政权性质决定南京政府统一政策的缺失,它不能最终完成统一的任务,但这十年间中国统一趋势的出现,却是值得肯定的。 In the ten years before the war of resistance against Japan, the Nanjing National Government conducted a difficult, twisting but rather successful and unified effort to gradually move China from reunification to unification and prepare conditions for a later national unity against Japan. Recognizing the status quo, using the correct tactics such as the warlords’ contradictions, waiting for opportunities and overhauling them, the Nanjing Government succeeded in achieving the goal of a peaceful centralization of Sichuan. Although the anti-people’s regime determines the lack of a uniform policy of the Nanjing government, it can not finally accomplish the unification task. However, The emergence of the trend of reunification in China during this decade is indeed worthy of recognition.