
来源 :劳动安全与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awander
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各地区行政公署,省辖市人民政府,省直有关 单位: 鉴于人事变动,省政府决定对省安委会组成人员进行调整,现将调整后的成员通知如下: 主 任:施性谋(副省长) 副主任:谢先文(省政府副秘书长) 刘 炎(省经贸委副主任) 赵大中(省劳动厅副厅长) 陈 旭(省公安厅副厅长) 王少昆(省总工会副主席) 江德顺(省交通厅副厅长) 谢文华(省保险公司副总经理) 邓云贞(省安委会常务副主任) 委 员:江金和(省计委副主任) 杨纶钊(省建委副主任) 章涛(省外经贸厅副厅长) 陈荣凯(省财政厅副厅长) 王能光(省轻纺总公司董事长) 包文忠(省二轻总公司副总经理) 陈文钊(省机械厅厅长) 周雨清(省化工厅副厅长) 陈维铉(省冶金工业总公司副总 经理) 曾昭鸿(省卫生厅副厅长) 许炜华(省煤炭总公司副总经理) 包应森(省林业厅副厅长) 茅同庆(省粮食厅厅长) 江 涌(省国内贸易厅副厅长) In view of personnel changes, the provincial government decided to make adjustments to the members of the Provincial Security Committee. Members of the adjustment will be notified as follows: Director: Shi Xunmo (Vice Governor) Deputy Director: Xie Xianwen (Deputy Secretary General of Provincial Government) Liu Yan (Deputy Director of Provincial Economic and Trade Commission) Zhao Dazhong (Deputy Director of Provincial Labor Department) Chen Xu (Deputy Director of Provincial Public Security Department) Wang Shaokun (Vice Chairman of Provincial Federation of Trade Unions) Deputy Director of Communications Department) Xie Wenhua (Deputy General Manager of Provincial Insurance Company) Deng Yunzhen (Deputy Director of Provincial Security Committee) Members: Jiang Jinhe (Deputy Director of Provincial Planning Commission) Lanlan Zhao (Deputy Director of Provincial Construction Committee) Zhang Tao Deputy Director of the Office) Chen Rongkai (Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Finance) Wang Nenguang (Chairman of Provincial Textile Office) Bao Wenzhong (Deputy General Manager of Provincial Light Industry Company) Chen Wenzhao (Director of Provincial Department of Machinery) Director of the Board of Directors Chen Weixuan (Deputy General Manager of Provincial Metallurgical Industry Corporation) Zeng Zhaohong (Deputy Director of Provincial Health Department) Xu Weihua (Deputy General Manager of Provincial Coal Corporation) Bao Tongsen (Deputy Director of Provincial Forestry Department) Mao Tongqing Long) Jiang Yong (Provincial Department of Trade Deputy Director)
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