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三明位于福建省的中西部,是一个新兴的工业城市、园林城及中国优秀的旅游城市,拥有丰富的旅游资源、农业和工业资源。目前,三明也在大力发展其城市规模及提升经济能力。进入21世纪以来,由于城市的大规模发展,人口大量集聚,城市公交已成为资讯的重要载体,而如何合理利用这种媒体平台,展现城市精神和地区资源是一个重要课题。本文主要论述在海西经济圈的大背景下,如何充分展现地区特色,树立地区形象,将三明城市特点全面展现。 Located in the central and western part of Fujian Province, Sanming is an emerging industrial city, garden city and an excellent tourist city in China with abundant tourism, agricultural and industrial resources. At present, Sanming is also vigorously develop its urban size and enhance economic capacity. Since the 21st century, urban public transportation has become an important carrier of information due to the large-scale development of cities and the large concentration of population. How to make rational use of this media platform to show the urban spirit and regional resources is an important issue. This paper mainly discusses how to fully demonstrate the regional characteristics and establish the regional image under the background of the Hercynian economic circle, and fully demonstrates the characteristics of Sanming City.
【摘 要】雕刻装饰用在传统的红木家具上,赋予了家具的审美含义,是对红木材质的珍惜,其纹饰图案也是对历史文化的记载,是红木家具中国文化的体现。通过文章介绍红木家具的雕刻纹饰图案寓意相关知识及雕刻技艺,以达到让人们对稀缺红木资源和中国传统文化的共同珍惜与传承。  【关键词】雕刻 红木家具 文化  在古典红木家具的制作工艺中,雕刻在装饰手法中占有首要地位,论其技法可分为:浮雕、透雕、浮雕与透雕相结合、圆