专业级的影音多媒体终端。Music Porter ll由三菱公司生产,同样属于Music Porter音乐手机系列。由于采用低能耗设计.因此该机可连续播放约20小时的音乐.而支持的音乐文件格式则与MUSIC PORTER X一样同为ATRAC3,ATRAC3plus、MP3和AAC。另外,该机还可以播放通过LABEL GATE音乐下载服务“Mora”购买的具备著作权保护的乐曲,并可以将这些音乐保存到索尼记忆棒MSPD中。作为一款FOMA手机.Music Porter ll配备双摄像头.其中主摄像头为131万像素. 而可视电话摄像头则为10万像素。该机还采用双屏设计并在手机翻盖上设计了专用音乐播放键.长条形的手机外屏幕为1.1英寸128×32像素单色STN屏幕.而内屏幕则是2.2英寸320×240像素65536色TFT液晶屏。此外.该机也支持FM立体声收音机. 卫星数字广播“MOBA HO!”。
Professional audio and video multimedia terminal. Music Porter ll produced by Mitsubishi, also belong to the Music Porter music phone series. Due to the low power consumption design, the player can play music for about 20 hours continuously, while the supported music file formats are the same as ATRAC3, ATRAC3plus, MP3 and AAC for MUSIC PORTER X. In addition, the machine can also play through the LABEL GATE music download service “Mora” with copyrighted music, and these songs can be saved to the Sony Memory Stick MSPD. As a FOMA phone, the Music Porter ll comes with dual cameras, including 1.31 megapixel main camera and 100 megapixel video phone camera. The machine also uses dual-screen design and flip phone designed on a dedicated music player button.Long-shaped mobile phone screen is 1.1 inches 128 × 32 pixel monochrome STN screen while the internal screen is 2.2 inches 320 × 240 pixels 65536 Color TFT LCD screen In addition, the machine also supports FM stereo radio satellite digital radio “MOBA HO!”.