20世纪末,俄罗斯曾有人提 出,将列宁遗体从莫斯科红场迁 往圣彼得堡的沃尔科夫公墓。据 说这样做的理由是为了实现列宁 希望和母亲安葬在一起的遗愿, 然而,这只是某些人的一厢情 愿,事实证明难以兑现。这是因 为:一,列宁临终前未曾有过这 样的表态;二,列宁墓是克里姆 林宫的一部分,受联合国教科文 组织保护,任何人不得破坏人类 文化遗产;三,列宁遗体的保存在 世界殡葬史上是个奇迹,创下了 遗体防腐时间最长的世界纪录, 随意终止研究,会给生物医学界
At the end of the 20th century, Russia had proposed to relocate Lenin’s body from Red Square in Moscow to Volkov’s Cemetery in St. Petersburg. The reason for this is said to have been to fulfill Lenin’s wish of a funeral with his mother, but this is only a wishful thinking of certain people and proved difficult to fulfill. This is because: First, Lenin’s deathbed had never had such a statement; Second, Lenin’s tomb is a part of the Kremlin, protected by UNESCO, no human destruction of human cultural heritage; Third, the preservation of Lenin’s body in the history of world funeral Is a miracle, setting the world record of the longest anti-corrosion remains, will terminate the study at will, will give the biomedical community