After the Spring Festival in 1986, CCTV began broadcasting the “Around the World” program hosted by the Chinese-American descendant Jin Yu-Sai. The television series consists of 52 episodes, based on more than 20 countries on five continents. Since its launch, Jin Yu-hsi’s enthusiasm, witty, elegant and generous demeanor, together with the exotic scenery introduced in the film, has attracted hundreds of millions of Chinese audiences. In fact, as early as two or three years ago, Kan Yue-Sai’s name was almost a household name in the United States. She chaired the China-oriented television program “Look East,” with 42 million viewers in all U.S. states. She has won “Ambassador Friendly”, “Outstanding Personality Award” and “Outstanding Woman Award” for her achievements on television and the contribution it has made to promoting the friendly relations between East and West. In September 1986,