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1986年春节过后,中央电视台开始播放由美籍华裔小姐靳羽西主持的《世界各地》节目。这部电视系列片共有五十二集,取材于五大洲二十多个国家。播放以来,靳羽西热情、风趣、文雅、大方的风度,同片中介绍的异国风光一起,吸引了亿万中国观众。其实早在两三年前,靳羽西的名字在美国就几乎家喻户晓了。她主持的以介绍中国为主的电视节目《看东方》,在美国各州拥有四千二百万观众。由于她在电视上所获得的成就和促进东西方友好关系所作的贡献,曾先后荣获“友好大使奖”、“杰出人物奖”,“杰出妇女奖”。1986年9月, After the Spring Festival in 1986, CCTV began broadcasting the “Around the World” program hosted by the Chinese-American descendant Jin Yu-Sai. The television series consists of 52 episodes, based on more than 20 countries on five continents. Since its launch, Jin Yu-hsi’s enthusiasm, witty, elegant and generous demeanor, together with the exotic scenery introduced in the film, has attracted hundreds of millions of Chinese audiences. In fact, as early as two or three years ago, Kan Yue-Sai’s name was almost a household name in the United States. She chaired the China-oriented television program “Look East,” with 42 million viewers in all U.S. states. She has won “Ambassador Friendly”, “Outstanding Personality Award” and “Outstanding Woman Award” for her achievements on television and the contribution it has made to promoting the friendly relations between East and West. In September 1986,