Mitochondrial haplogroups associated with Japanese centenarians, Alzheimer's patients, Parkinso

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The relationships between five classes of Japanese people (i.e., 96 centenarians, 96 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, 96 Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, 96 type 2 diabetic (T2D) patients, and 96 healthy non-obese young males) and their mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphism (mtSNP) frequencies at individual mtDNA positions of the entire mitochondrial genome were examined using the radial basis function (RBF) network and the modified method. New findings of mitochondrial haplogroups were obtained for individual classes. The five classes of people were associated with the following haplogroups: Japanese centenarians-M7b2, D4b2a, and B5b; Japanese AD patients-G2a, B4c1, and N9b1; Japanese PD patients-M7b2, B4e, and B5b; Japanese T2D patients-B5b, M8a1, G, D4, and F1; and Japanese healthy non-obese young males-D4g and D4b1b. From the points of common haplogroups among the five classes, the cente-narians have the common haplogroups M7b2 and B5b with the PD patients and common haplogroup B5b with the T2D patients. In addition, the 112 Japanese semi-supercentenarians (over 105 years old) recently reported were also examined by the method proposed. The results obtained were the haplogroups D4a, B4c1a, M7b2, F1, M1, and B5b. These results are different from the previously reported hap-logroup classifications. As the proposed analysis method can predict a person’s mtSNP constitution and the probabilities of becoming a centenarian, AD patient, PD patient, or T2D patient, it may be useful in initial diagnosis of various diseases. The relationships between five classes of Japanese people (ie, 96 centenarians, 96 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, 96 Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, 96 type 2 diabetic (T2D) patients, and 96 healthy non-obese young males) and their mitochondrial single nucleotide polymorphism (mtSNP) frequencies at individual mtDNA positions of the entire mitochondrial genome were examined using the radial basis function (RBF) network and the modified method. New findings of mitochondrial haplogroups were obtained for individual classes. The five classes of people were Japanese PD patients-M7b2, B4e, and B5b; Japanese T2D patients-B5b, M8a1, G, D4, and B5b; Japanese AD patients-G2a, B4c1, and N9b1; Japanese PD patients-M7b2, and F1; and Japanese healthy non-obese young males-D4g and D4b1b. From the points of common haplogroups among the five classes, the cente-narians have the common haplogroups M7b2 and B5b with the PD patients and common hap The results obtained were those haplogroups D4a, B4c1a, M7b2, F1, M1, and B5b . These results are different from the previously reported hap-logroup classifications. As the proposed analysis method can predict a person’s mtSNP constitution and the probabilities of becoming a centenarian, AD patient, PD patient, or T2D patient, it may be useful in initial diagnosis of various diseases.
近年来由于攻击坦克顶部的火箭的发展,使得对炮塔顶部的防护要求更高。如果增加装甲厚度,会引起坦克重量的增加并影响综合性能。 在《国际防卫评论》1985年第六期上刊登了一
我出生地苏北老区,是一片革命先辈为和平与幸福流血流汗的热土。作为革命根据地,在抗日战争、解放战争期间,曾经发生峰山保卫战、刘老庄阻击战等多次惊心动魄的战斗。我父亲和叔叔都是在抗日战争的烽火中投身革命的。今年3月下旬,江苏省老促会系统的同仁齐聚淮安,在省老促会理事长凌启鸿的带领下,祭扫刘老庄革命烈士墓,缅怀革命先烈,重温革命历史,这是对老区革命精神、优良传统的再学习、再教育。  “为什么我的眼里常含
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