Laser heat wire welding heat input is small, wire filling efficiency, weld fusion ratio is small, especially for surface welding and thick plate narrow gap welding, how to obtain a stable wire transition is the key issue. The high-speed camera was used to observe the transition behavior of wire under different process parameters. It was divided into four types of droplet transition, fusing transition, continuous transition and top wire transition. The continuous transition was a steady wire transition, premise. The difference between the transition behavior of different wire performance for the wire melting position is different, which is caused by the wire size difference caused by the heat. The process control principle for obtaining a stable wire transition is that the resistance heat is less than the heat of fusion of the wire, and the sum of the heat of resistance and the heat transfer of the puddle is greater than the heat of fusion of the wire. By theoretical derivation, the temperature of welding wire outside the weld pool was calculated. It was found that when the resistance heat heated the welding wire outside the melting pool to near the melting point, it was in favor of obtaining stable welding wire transition.