采用(CaY)F3为助烧结剂,低温烧结(1650C,6h)制备出热导率为208W/m的AlN陶瓷,在烧结过程中,热导率随保温时间的变化服从方程:λ(t)=λ∞-Δλ(0)e-t/τ.用SEM、SThM、TEM和HREM对AlN陶瓷的显微结构及其对热导率的影响进行了研究,结果表明,晶粒尺寸对AlN陶瓷热导率的影响可以忽略,而分隔在AlN晶粒之间的晶界相会降低热导率.“,”Aluminium nitride ceramics were successfully fabricated through low-temperature sintering by using (YCa)F3 as the sintering aid. AlN ceramics with a high thermal conductivity of 208W/m were obtained after the specimen was sintered at 1650C for 6h. Calculation based on the present and reported results led to an equation which describes the dependence of thermal conductivity of AlN on the soaking time in sintering: (t)=-(0) et/. SEM, TEM, SThM and HREM were employed to study the microstructure-property relationship of AlN ceramics. It was concluded that AlN grain sizes have little effect on the thermal conductivity, while grain boundary phases deteriorate thermal conductivity