她是一个音乐教师。又不是一个普通的音乐教师。像农民种田,在研究了种子、墒情、天气、肥料、耕作方法后,亩产达到了惊人的数字,这样的农民不再是普通农民,是农技师,是科学家。张兆瑞就是如此。她拥有的是一方小小的音乐教育的田地。在这样的“试验田”里,她热情培养她的孩子,追求一个崭新的目标使孩子们变得更聪明。“种子”没有什么奇特。“养料”却与众不同。“耕作方法”更是新颖、独到。她获得了“大丰收”。 12年来,她的“立足音乐、开发智力”的教改实验得到了专家的验证,得到了实践的验证。一个普通中国小学音乐教师的论文登上了国际学术交流的讲台。鲜花编成的桂冠一顶又一顶戴在了她的头上。用肯定、祝贺和感谢铸成的金质奖章一枚又一枚
She is a music teacher. Not an ordinary music teacher. Like farmer farming, after researching seeds, soil moisture, weather, fertilizers and farming methods, yields have reached staggering numbers, so that peasants are no longer ordinary peasants, agricultural technicians and scientists. Zhang Zhaorui is the case. She has a small field of music education. In this “experimental field”, she enthusiastically nurture her children, the pursuit of a new goal to make the children become more intelligent. “Seed” is nothing peculiar. “Nutriment” is different. “Farming methods” is new and original. She won the “bumper harvest.” For 12 years, her teaching reform experiment based on music and intelligence has been verified by experts and has been verified by practice. The essay of an ordinary Chinese primary school music teacher boarded the podium of international academic exchange. The crown of flowers, one after another, was put on her head. With the affirmation, congratulation and thanks for the gold medal cast one after another