一、选择题 .(本题满分 2 0分 ,共 10小题 ,每小题 2分 )下列各题均给出四个选项 ,其中有且只有一个选项符合题目要求 ,请把符合题目要求选项前的字母代号 ,填在题后的括号内 .1 整数 9的算术平方根是 ( ) .A 3 B - 3C ± 3 D .92 已知一个正方形的边长是 1,那么
First, multiple-choice questions. (This question marks out of 20 points, a total of 10 small questions, each question 2 points) The following questions are given four options, of which there is only one option meets the requirements of the subject, please meet the requirements of the topic before the option The letter code of the letter, fill in the brackets after the question. 1 The square root of the integer 9 is (). A 3 B - 3C ± 3 D .92 It is known that the side length of a square is 1, then