Predictions of Reactivities of the Outer-Sphere Electron Exchange Reactions in Solution

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winbourbit
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One of the crucial parameters determining the electron transfer rate,Franck Condon factor, sas evaluated quantitatively for electron exchange reactions involving hexaquo-metal ions. Adopting appropriate spectroscopic and photoemission data, reasonable results were obtained and compred in terms of ciassical and quantum-mechanical theory.Investigation shoWs that for such reactirm occurred at ran temPerature, nuclear tunnling effects increase the absolute rates ty several times, chich are not draretic bot still should be considered for cmplementary PUrpose One of the crucial parameters determining the electron transfer rate, Franck Condon factor, sas evaluated quantitatively for electron exchange reactions involving hexa-metal ions. Adopting appropriate spectroscopic and photoemission data, reasonable results were obtained and compred in terms of ciassical and quantum-mechanical theory .Investigation shoWs that for such reactirm occurred at ran temPerature, nuclear tunnling effects increase the absolute rates ty several times, chich are not draretic bot still should be considered for cmplementary PUrpose
这是一间放有五张床位的大病房,我去探望姨妈的时候,旁边那张病床上躺着一个40岁左右的女人正在输液。陪护的是她的丈夫,一个个头不高,微微发福的男人。  大病房人多嘈杂,来上两拨探视的人,病房里就没了站脚的地方。时令已是春夏交替之际,病房里的空气越来越污浊。中午邻床的家属出去买饭,回来的时候,一手提着饭盒,一手抱着一盆仙人球。那女人的眼睛一亮:“从哪儿买的?”“路边正好有位卖花的老人,我就选了一盆,这
LaC2+, LaC22+, LaC3 and teC3- clusters have been studied using B3LYP densityfunctional method. Four isomers with C2v, Cs, C∞v and D∞h Symmetry were presented
1 概述 我国焊割用燃气中乙炔占90%。乙炔是以电石为原料产生的,而电石的生产过程要消耗大量的电能和焦炭,是一种高耗电的产品。同时,乙炔是重要的化工原料之一,把乙炔用作焊
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徐小妮恨恨地想:“我一定要去参加李超的婚礼!”她满怀悲痛和愤恨,绕着小镇走了半天,决定要去买一束花。   认识李超那年,徐小妮17岁,从相恋的第一天开始,她就一心一意为他付出,甚至甘愿放弃了上大学的机会。她跑出去打工,辛苦赚来的薪水,大部分都寄给了在远方上大学的李超。终于,他大学毕业了,考研了,工作了。可是,接下来,他对徐小妮说:“咱们分手吧!”   没有人知道徐小妮的心有多痛。尽管家人都刻意
有幸得到《数码影像时代》的大力支持,为我们提供了JVC GY-HM150这款超级便携式高清摄像机,用一个多星期的时间,完成了我们话剧《面朝大海,花爱开不开》的排练视频的拍摄工作
巴菲特18年来首尝败绩 被誉为美国股神的巴菲特,一直以投资眼光独到而享负盛名,旗舰公司伯克夏·哈撒威自1965年成立以来,增值惊人,回报率甚至优于作为基金经理指标的标准普尔指数。但
7-Fpi-howiinol A , an antitumor lactone, has been Synthesized in nine steps starting from α-Dglucohcptonic γ-lactonc with an overall yicld of 8.5% 7-Fpi-ho