中国科学院学部委员、上海有机化学研究所副所长黄耀曾说:“做基础时要注意应用,做应用时要注意基拙。学化学的人应多些少些.”记者:请您谈谈您所从事的学科和当今国外的发展水平。黄耀曾:我过去是搞天然有机的,国家需要,现在我又在搞元素有机,包括金属有机和类金属有机,而类金属有机包括硼、磷、砷等有机。首先谈这方面的情况。在金属有机方面目前世界上水平最高的有西德、美国、日本和英国,其他的如法国等也在搞。 1980年在北京《中、日、美,金属有机化学学术讨
Huang Yao, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, said: “When applying as a foundation, pay attention to the application and pay attention to the basics when applying.” Reporter: Please talk about The discipline you are working in and the level of development in present-day foreign countries. Wong Yiu Tsang: I used to be organic and organic. The country needs it. Now I am working on organic elements, including organic metals and metalloids. Organic metals like boron, phosphorus and arsenic are also organic. First of all, talk about this situation. In terms of metal and organic matter, the highest levels in the world are West Germany, the United States, Japan and the United Kingdom, while others such as France are also engaging. 1980 in Beijing "China, Japan, the United States, metal organic chemistry seminar