During the decade before the 1911 Revolution,Chinese revolutionary ideas transformed from the ancient one to the modern one,which therefore laid an ideological foundation for the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution and the collapse of Qing Dynasty.Modern Chinese revolutionary ideas not only inherited the vitality and the influential elements of Ancient Chinese revolutionary ideas,but also absorbed Western modern revolutionary ideas,Marxian revolutionary ideas and revolutionary anarchic ideas.Some Chinese revolutionary thinkers,integrating Chinese revolutionary thoughts with Western ones,ancient with modern,brought forth the new ideas.For instance,Zou Rong put forward the program of Chinese democratic revolution;Sun Yat -sen established Three Principles of the People;Chen Tianhua made the distinction between National Revolution and Hero Revolution; Zhu Zhixin proposed the coexistence of social revolution and political revolution.These thoughts not only embodied anti -Manchuism ideas and ideas against absolute monarchy system,but also indicated the pursuit of socialism while fighting against capitalist exploitation and oppression.