一 20世纪阿拉伯戏剧是一个鲜为人知的领域,它源于阿拉伯民族古典文化中的戏剧传统,与古代剧场艺术,包括影戏、滑稽戏和史诗演出相关,又受到西方戏剧思潮的影响。从总体上看,阿拉伯的戏剧活动虽然在各个国家有所不同,但在阿拉伯语与伊斯兰教两条强有力的纽带连接下,各国戏剧仍表现出某种内在的一致性。阿拉伯语戏剧的一致和同质性,使它们可以作为一个整体进行研究。 20世纪阿拉伯戏剧的发展基本上可以分为三大流派:新古典主义、现实主义和创造主义。阿拉伯新古典主义戏剧出现于19世纪后期,繁
A 20th century Arab theater is a little-known area, it originated from the Arab tradition of theatrical culture in classical culture, and the ancient theater art, including film, comic and epic performances, but also by the influence of Western drama. In general, Arab theater activities, though different from country to country, still show some inherent consistency in the connection between the two strong links between Arabic and Islam. The consistency and homogeneity of Arabic drama allow them to be studied as a whole. The development of Arabic drama in the 20th century can basically be divided into three major genres: neoclassicalism, realism and creativity. Arab neoclassical drama appeared in the late 19th century, traditional