CNN的数据显示:1999年度全球电子商务销售额突破1400亿美元,其中旅游业电子商务销售额突破270亿美元,占全球电子商务的销售总额的20%以上;全球约有超过17万家的旅游企业在网上开展综合、专业、特色的旅游服务;全球约8,500万人次以上享受过旅游网站的服务;全球旅游电子商务连续5年以350%以上的速度发展。 来自纳斯达克故乡美国的著名公司CRG-research的一份报告说,预计在2000年,全球电子商务销售额将突破4200亿美元,其中旅游业电子商务销售额突破630亿美元,占全球电子商务的销售总额的24%以上;全球约有超过30万家的旅游网络企业在网上开展旅游服务;享受过旅游网站的服务的全球游客将超过2亿人次以上。该公司还表明该项预计指标仅以目前的数据推算,在高速发展的INTERNET时代,所有的数据都将是保守的。 而CNN的另一条消息几乎可以令传统企业瞠目结舌:美国的微软旅游、Travelocity. com、Priceline.com;欧洲的法国旅行
CNN data show that in 1999 the global e-commerce sales exceeded 140 billion US dollars, of which tourism e-commerce sales exceeded 27 billion US dollars, accounting for more than 20% of the global total sales of e-commerce; there are about more than 170,000 travel around the world Enterprises in the online development of comprehensive, professional and unique travel services; more than 85 million people worldwide have enjoyed the tourism web site service; global tourism e-commerce for 5 consecutive years at a rate of 350% or more. According to a report from CRG-research, a famous American company in the hometown of Nasdaq, it is estimated that global e-commerce sales will exceed 420 billion U.S. dollars by 2000, of which tourism e-commerce sales exceeded 630 billion U.S. dollars, More than 24% of the total sales of the business; there are more than 300,000 travel network enterprises in the world who travel on the Internet; and more than 200 million tourists worldwide enjoy the services of the travel website. The company also showed that the projected indicator is based on current figures only, and all data will be conservative in the fast-paced INTERNET era. And another piece of CNN’s news can almost make traditional companies dumbfounded: Microsoft Travel in the United States, Travelocity.com, Priceline.com; France’s travel in Europe