
来源 :福建法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvyuguo_sh
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生命是无价的,民法中死亡损害赔偿制度的真正内涵是对死者近亲属物质和精神利益进行救济,其赔偿范围应包括有形损害和无形损害两部分。我国涉及死亡损害赔偿范围的规定甚为庞杂,在法律、行政法规、司法解释等层面均有反映,三条途径并存而又相互冲突。因此,在理论上把握决定死亡赔偿范围的因素,实践中合理确定死亡赔偿的范围,协调完善相关立法,是摆脱当前司法困境,避免相同案件不同审判结果的重要前提。 Life is invaluable. The true connotation of the death damage compensation system in civil law is to provide relief to the material and spiritual interests of the close relatives of the deceased. The scope of compensation should include two parts: physical damage and invisible damage. The provisions concerning the scope of compensation for death damages in our country are very complicated. They are reflected in laws, administrative regulations and judicial interpretations. The three paths coexist and conflict with each other. Therefore, it is an important prerequisite to get rid of the current judicial predicament and avoid the outcome of different trials in the same case by grasping the factors that determine the scope of death compensation theoretically, judging the scope of death compensation rationally and coordinating and improving relevant legislation in practice.
走在公园的小路上,我欣赏着秋天的美景。忽然,一阵清香随风飘来。咦!什么花这么香呀?循着香味,我来到一棵桂花树下。原来,香味是桂花发出的。  哇!我从来没有见过这么大、这么高的桂花树。一串串金灿灿、香喷喷的小桂花,害羞地藏在绿叶中笑眯眯地跟我打招呼呢!  我忍不住爬上树去。啊,真香!这些淡黄色的美丽小桂花把香味洒到我头上、手上、脸上……我都快变成桂花仙子啦!  我仔细地看了看,每朵小桂花都有四个“兄