急性风湿热(acute eheumatic fever,ARF)首次发病年龄通常为5~14岁,可造成心脏损害,遗留严重后遗症~([1])。风湿性心脏病(rheumatic heart disease,RHD)是ARF累及心瓣膜引起炎症反应后最终形成的局部瘢痕灶,是全世界儿童及青少年获得性心脏病最常见的病因~([2]),其发病率及病死率在发展中国家中位居前列~([3])。自1950年至1985年ARF发病率逐年下降,到1985年在
Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) first onset is usually 5 to 14 years of age, can cause heart damage, leaving severe sequelae ~ ([1]). Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children and adolescents around the world due to the involvement of ARF in the development of a locally scarring lesion of the heart valve caused by an inflammatory reaction. [2] Rates and mortality are among the highest in developing countries ~ ([3]). ARF incidence dropped from 1950 to 1985 year by year, until 1985