In this paper, a J-COD design curve based on J-integral has been established, based onthe conservation franslating relationship between J-integral and CTOD. The J-COD designcurve of three materials (containing 16MnR、 A533B and 304 stainless steel) and two models(which are Elliptical Hole in Central Plate and Special Compact tension plate) have been pre-sented. By comparing J-COD design curve and COD design curve of CVDA-84, PD6493-80, as well as that of WES2805-83, the safety tolerance of the above COD design curvehave been evaluated.
The J-COD design curve based on J-integral has been established, based on the conservation franslation relationship between J-integral and CTOD. The J-COD design curve of three materials (containing 16MnR, A533B and 304 stainless steel) and Two models (which are Elliptical Hole in Central Plate and Special Compact tension plate) have been pre-sented. By comparing J-COD design curve and COD design curve of CVDA-84, PD6493-80, as well as of WES2805-83 , the safety tolerance of the above COD design curvehave been evaluated.