Ⅳ期肺癌是伴有远处转移的晚期肺癌 ,预后差 ,目前仍缺乏有效的治疗方法 ,作者总结了 1998年 1月至1999年 1月我科收治的 4 6例Ⅳ期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)病例 ,采用化疗加姑息性放疗及支持等治疗 ,探讨综合治疗对上述病人的临床价值。1 材料和方法1·1 一般资料 本组病?
Stage IV lung cancer is advanced lung cancer with distant metastasis. The prognosis is poor and there is still no effective treatment. The authors summarized 46 cases of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer treated in our department from January 1998 to January 1999. In NSCLC cases, chemotherapy plus palliative radiotherapy and support were used to investigate the clinical value of comprehensive treatment for these patients. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information This group of diseases?