Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲(中)

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  Po: Great. Hi, you are up.
  Crane: I am now.
  Po: I was just…Some day, huh? That Kung Fu stuff is hard work, right? Are your biceps sore?
  Crane: Uh…I’ve had a long and rather disappointing day, so…Yeah. I should probably get to sleep now.
  Po: Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
  Crane: OK, thanks.
  Po: It’s just…Man, I’m such a big fan!You guys were totally amazing at the Battle of the Weeping River. Outnumbered a thousand and one, but you didn’t stop. And you just… Oh, sorry about that.
  Crane: Uh, look, you don’t belong here.
  Po: I know. I know. You are right. I don’t have…I just…my whole life I dreamed of…
  Crane: No, no, no. I meant you don’t belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane.
  Po: Okay. Right, right. So…yeah, you wanna get to sleep and I’m keeping you up. We get big things tomorrow. All right. You are awesome—last thing I wanna say. Bye-bye. What was that?
  Crane: I didn’t say anything.
  Po: Okay. All right. Good night. Sleep well. That seemed a little awkward. Master Tigress. I didn’t mean to wake you, just uh…
  Tigress: You do not belong here.
  Po: Yeah, yeah, of course, this is your room.
  Tigress: I mean you don’t belong in the Jade Palace. You are a disgrace to Kung Fu, and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do, you will be gone by morning.
  Po: Big fan.
  Master Oogway: I see you have found the sacred peach tree of heavenly wisdom.
  Po: Um…Is that what this is? I’m so sorry. I thought this was just a regular peach tree.
  Master Oogway: I understand. You eat when you are upset.
  Po: Upset? I’m not upset. What makes you think I’m upset.
  Master Oogway: So why are you upset?
  Po: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of Kung Fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking!
  Master Oogway: Probably.
  Po: And the five! Man, you should have seen them. They totally hate me.
  Master Oogway: Totally.
  Po: How is Shifu ever gonna turn me into the dragon warrior? And I’m not like the five. I got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those…thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles.
  Master Oogway: Quit? Don’t quit. Noodles? Don’t noodles. You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There is a saying: Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
  1. biceps:二头肌, 强健的筋肉。
  2. man: 在这里可不是“人”的意思,而是用作表示强烈感情的感叹词,相当于“啊,呀,唉”。这里阿宝是说:“天哪,我迷死你啦!”。例如:
  Man! That was close. 嘿!那儿太近了。
  Man! Listen to him blow that trumpet!棒极啦! 听他小号吹得多好啊!
  3. outnumber a thousand and one:outnumber是动词,表示“数量上胜过”;a thousand and one有“许许多多”的意思,这个词语的用法来自阿拉伯故事集《一千零一夜》(A Thousand and One Nights)。台词里的意思可以理解为“你们五个大侠胜过千万士兵”。Seventy times seven 也有“许多”的意思。例句:
  Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以三比一超过女子。
  Coffee shops even outnumber teahouses in some neighborhoods.
  He has a thousand and one things to do. 他有无数的事情要做。
  They were making the experiment in a thousand and one ways.他们正千方百计地做试验。 4. disgrace: 出丑, 丢脸, 使丢脸,使蒙受耻辱。Tigress很不客气的说阿宝“让武术蒙羞”。例如:
  Don’t disgrace the family name. 不要玷辱了家族的名声。
  What a disgrace upon our house!我们家怎么这么倒楣!
  She is a disgrace to her country. 她是她祖国的耻辱。
  5. suck: 字面意思是“吸、吮”,但在这里的意思是“使人极度不快,让人恶心”。这不是特别礼貌的一种用法,但是在口语中很常用,什么东西很烂,就可以说XXX suck.
  6. Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.
  Viper: Are your ready?
  Po: I was born ready.
  Viper: I’m sorry, brother. I thought you said you were ready.
  Po: That was awesome! Let’s go again!
  Shifu: I’ve been taking it easy on you panda, but no more. Your next opponent will be me.
  Po: Alright! Yeah, let’s go.
  Shifu: Step forth. The truth path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness and make him suffer for it, and to take his strength and use it against him until he finally falls or quits.
   Po: A real warrior never quits. Don’t worry master; I will never quit!
   Tigress: If he’s smart, he won’t come back up those steps.
  Monkey: But he will.
  Viper: He’s not gonna quit, is he?
  Mantis: He’s never gonna quit bouncing. I’ll tell you that.
  Po: I thought you said acupuncture would make feel better.
  Mantis: Trust me, it will, it’s just not easy to find the right nerve points under all this…
  Po: Fat?
  Mantis: Fur. I was going to say fur.
  Po: Sure you were.
  Mantis: Who am I to judge a warrior based on his size? Look at me. Come over here.
  Viper: Maybe you should take a look at this again.
  Mantis: Oh!Okay.
  Po: I know Master Shifu is trying to inspire me and all but if I didn’t know any better. I’d say he’s trying to get rid of me.
  Mantis: I know he can seem kind of heartless, but you know he wasn’t always like that.
  Viper: According to legend, there was once a time when Master Shifu actually used to smile.
  Po: No.
  Viper: Yes. But that was before.
  Po: Before what?
  Tigress: Before Tai Lung.
  1. I was born ready:这里born表示“天生的、与生俱来的”。阿宝夸海口,说“我从出生起就准备好了”,意思是“我随时都准备好了”。
  类似的用法有:a born beauty 天生丽质,a natural born killer 天生杀人狂
  I’m a born loser. 我生来就是个失败者。
  He was born dumb. 他生来就哑。
  2. taking it easy on you:take easy 常见的意思是“放轻松”。例如:
  Take easy. Is there anything I can do for you? 放轻松。有什么我可以帮忙的吗?
  不过take it easy on something/somebody 指的是“对……别太严厉;宽容,包容”。师傅对阿宝说:“我已经对你手下留情了,下不为例。”例如:
  Slow down there, buddy. Take it easy on the booze. 老兄,慢点喝。别喝得那么猛。
  3. acupuncture:(treatment of pain or disease by inserting the tips of needles at specific points on the skin)针灸,针治,施以针灸。例如:
  acupuncturist 针灸医生
  4. nerve points:A nerve point is like your funny bone, or a place where a blow stuns you way more than just the force of the blow suggests. 一种穴位,像肘部尺骨端一样,受到外力时会产生强烈的触感。例如:
  the Eight Influential Nerve Points 八会穴
  acupuncture point 针灸穴位
  5. get rid of:摆脱, 除去。例如:
  Get rid of him quickly. 赶紧把他甩掉吧。
  I can’t get rid of my cold. 我的感冒总是不好。
  I have to get rid of my car. 我必须把我的车脱手。
一、背景浅析  随着吉林省农业产业化结构的不断优化发展,人均粮食占有量、粮食商品率、粮食调出量及玉米出口量多年来均居全国第一位。吉林省成为了国内农资购销大省。  为保证农业持续稳定发展、确保粮食丰收、增加农民收入、创造良好的市场环境,省内各级行政主管部门不断加强对农资市场的监管,但个别地方仍然存在农资市场秩序混乱,生产经营假冒伪劣农资商品、坑农害农等现象。   二、企划动机  按照中央经济工作会议
摘 要: 双语教学是高校改革的重要组成部分,作者根据本院《种子机械》开展双语教学的现状,提出双语教学过程中的关键部分,以及现存的问题和改进措施。  关键词: 《种子机械》 双语教学 关键    为了适应全球化的发展,我国需要培养出大量的既精通英语又有丰富专业知识的高素质“复合型”人才,增强人才竞争力。教育部于2001年颁发《关于加强高等学校本科教学工作提高教学质量的若干意见》,明
百年栗园 健康百年百年栗园北京油鸡是北京地区特有的优质柴鸡品种,身份显贵,曾为宫廷御膳用鸡。1949年入选为“开国第一宴”的国宴用鸡,现在是国家级重点保护品种和北京唯一陛
【摘 要】乳猪的培育生产是关系到千家万户每窝仔猪生产,提高经济效益的关键性技术,抓好乳猪的初生关、补料关、断奶关是提高乳猪成活率、提高个体重,提高窝重、对增加我县生猪存栏,提高出栏率、产肉率都有积极促进作用。   【关键词】乳猪;综合培育技术     1.出生前的装备  母猪在产仔前的装备工作,首先要求掌握母猪预产的计算方法,母猪妊娠时间平均为114d。有的提前2~3d。有的要推迟几天这是正常