随着我省公安基层接入网的不断建设, 为保证接入网的工程质量与接入网的更好应 用,接入网中网络布线所使用的双绞线得到 了广泛地应用,但是由于个别厂商和网络公 司在宣传上的误导,以及部分基层用户对有 关标准缺乏必要的了解,致使在选用5类双 绞线时真假难辨,不知所措。然而,一旦选 用了不符合标准的5类双绞线,一方面会
With the continuous construction of public security grass-roots access network in our province, in order to ensure the project quality of access network and the better application of access network, twisted pair used in network cabling in access network has been widely used, but due to The misleading propaganda of individual manufacturers and network companies, as well as the lack of necessary understanding by some grassroots users of the relevant standards, led to the confusion between true and false when using Category 5 twisted pair cables. However, once you have chosen a Category 5 twisted-pair cable that does not meet the standard, on the one hand it will