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“违章”之说,引起上诉2002年10月11日早晨,怀化市一家针织印染厂漂染车间的仓库突然着火,着火时从里面跑出两个人来,紧接着就是一连串的爆炸。人们还来不及施展扑救,仓库就已成了一堆发臭难闻的废墟,价值数十万元的化工原料付之一炬。从仓库里跑出的两个人,一个是保管员吴某,另一个是档车工陆某。他们共同向领导和公众叙述了事故的发生经过——早晨一上班,保管员吴某为了给档车工陆某发放亚氯酸钠,二人一起来到漂染车间隔壁一间仓库。他们一打开库门,就“强烈感觉到浓浓的刺鼻闷脑气味,熏得眼睛都难睁开。”(工人的原话)。他们都知道这是仓内化工原料散发的气味,而且早已习惯;只是今天的气味比往常更浓一些,令人格外难受,因此他们想尽快搞完离开这里。铁桶内的亚氯酸钠已结块,吴就用一根长铁管去捣碎。已捣了两回,原 “Illegal” that caused the appeal On the morning of October 11, 2002, a warehouse in a bleaching and dyeing workshop of a knitting and printing and dyeing factory in Huaihua City suddenly caught fire and when two people came out in the fire, followed by a series of explosions. It was too late for the people to put out the fight and the warehouse had become a pile of smelly ruins, worth hundreds of thousands of yuan worth of chemical raw materials. Two people ran out of the warehouse, one is custodian Wu, the other is a car workers Lumou. They jointly told the leaders and the public about the accident happened - morning work, custodians Wu in order to give a gear Liu workers Lu issued sodium chlorite, the two came together to bleach workshop next to a warehouse. As soon as they opened the door to Kurenai, they “strongly felt the thick stinging nostrils, and they could hardly open their eyes when they smoked.” (The original words of the workers). They all knew it was the smell of chemical raw materials in warehouses and had long been accustomed to it. Only today’s smell is more concentrated and uncomfortable than usual so they want to leave as soon as possible. Sodium chlorite inside the iron drum has been agglomerated, and Wu uses a long iron pipe to smash it. Has been pounding twice, the original
由于原CHRONOS RICHARDSON公司的密炼机上辅机的称量显示系统存在很多问题,本文提出采用通用计算机同时编制串行通信接收程序替代原系统的解决措施,实践表明这一措施合理可行
利用东海水产研究所开展的2012年东南太平洋智利竹(夹)鱼(Trachurusmurph~)渔场生态环境调查,对该海域75个站点进行了海洋微生物样品的采集;通过菌株的16S rRNA测序及GenBank
20世纪70年代初期,Anderson J P首次提出可信系统(trusted system)的概念,由此开始了人们对可信系统的研究。1983年美国国防部制定了世界第一个可信计算标准:TCSEC。在TCSEC中第