2012年11月23日,从中国海油2012年勘探会上传出喜讯,渤海油田勘探开发研究院渤中勘探项目队(下称渤中勘探项目队)评价的秦皇岛29-2东获得了重大突破,成为总公司今年勘探工作的亮点之一。今年6月,秦皇岛29-2E-4井钻探成功,发现油层厚度218.4m,单层最大油层厚度达133.7m,测试平均日产原油约6 600桶,天然气约450万立方英尺,创造了渤海碎屑岩的最高产能。
On November 23, 2012, a good breakthrough was obtained from the 2012 CNOOC Exploration Conference and the Qinhuangdao 29-2 East evaluated by the Bozhong Exploration Project Team (hereinafter referred to as Bozhong Exploration Project Team) of the Bohai Oilfield Exploration and Development Research Institute , One of the highlights of the exploration work of the parent company this year. In June this year, Qinhuangdao successful drilling 29-2E-4 wells and found that the reservoir thickness of 218.4m, the maximum single reservoir thickness of 133.7m, testing an average of about 6,600 barrels of crude oil and natural gas of about 4.5 million cubic feet, creating the Bohai Sea debris The rock’s highest capacity.