
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boge66
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在社会经济迅猛发展的新时期,我国法制化建设进程也在快速深入。然而随着人们物质生活水平的提高,我国社会中各类矛盾的数量也在不断增多,纵观当前绝大多数违法犯罪行为的发生均是以利益作为驱动,部分人出于对更高层次经济生活的追求而不惜一切代价铤而走险。非法集资案件正是犯罪分子利用人们的强烈追求经济利益的心理而进行的一类犯罪。相对于其他形式的犯罪,非法集资案件具有着更高的复杂性,难点也随之更加明显,主要表现为涉案罪名的概念模糊致使打击力度疲软、罪名认定存在法律规制的含糊与分歧、取证和认定以及处置困难、人们投资心理扭曲难以控制等。非法集资案件对于和谐社会的影响极其恶劣,唯有正视办案难点,才能强化对非法集资的有效控制。本文将以此为出发点,浅谈当前非法集资案件的难点问题。 In the new period of rapid social and economic development, the process of building our country’s legal system is also going rapidly. However, with the improvement of people’s material living standards, the number of various contradictions in our society is also on the increase. Looking at the vast majority of current crimes and delinquencies, they are all driven by interests. Some of them are motivated by higher levels of economy The pursuit of life and desperation at all costs. Illegal fund-raising cases are the types of crimes committed by criminals using the psychology of people’s intense pursuit of economic interests. Compared with other forms of crime, the illegal fund-raising cases have a higher complexity and more obvious difficulties. The main manifestations are that the concepts of crimes involved are weakened by the obscure concept of the crime, the existence of the ambiguity and disagreement of legal regulation, the evidence collection and Identify and deal with difficulties, difficult to control the psychological distortion of investment and so on. The impact of illegal fund-raising cases on a harmonious society is extremely poor. Only facing the difficulties of handling cases can we effectively control the illegal fund-raising. This article will take this as a starting point, on the current difficulties of illegal fund-raising cases.
<正> 1.概述黄磷渣是电炉法生产黄磷过程中排放的固体废弃物。过去小部分销售给水泥厂作水泥掺合剂生产硅酸盐水泥,大部分用作建筑材料,其利用价值不高。1988年,南化公司在中
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