弥雾机的类型和参数设置对雾滴在目标上的分布质量有很大的影响。通过离心式弥雾机和轴流式弥雾机在不同工作参数下的试验对比 ,分析了它们在目标树、下风非目标树和弥雾机经过的地面上雾滴的沉积和雾滴在目标树不同部位的分布状况。试验表明 ,当树高在 3m以下 ,并且树冠大小比较整齐时 ,离心式弥雾机的整体效果优于轴流式弥雾机。机器的行走速度对喷雾质量影响不大 ,但喷雾量不宜过大 ,以免影响雾滴分布均匀度与增加药物损失。
The type and parameter setting of the mist-misting machine have a great influence on the quality of the droplet distribution on the target. Through the comparison of centrifugal mills and axial misting mills under different operating parameters, it is analyzed that the deposition of the droplets on the ground through which the target tree, the downwind non-target tree and the misting machine pass and the droplet deposition on the target tree Different parts of the distribution. Experiments show that when the tree height below 3m, and the crown size is relatively neat, the overall effect of centrifugal misting machine is better than axial misting machine. The speed of the machine has little effect on the spray quality, but the spray volume should not be too large, so as not to affect the uniformity of the droplet distribution and increase the drug loss.