
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanyx
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近日从湖北省住建厅获悉,该省将首次利用卫星遥感监测,辅助城乡规划督察。根据规定,城市总体规划、风景名胜区总体规划和历史文化名城名镇名村、历史文化街区保护规划等均在遥感辅助督察范围之内。省城乡规划中心负责采集遥感影像和基础地形图等数据,综合形成省级遥感辅助督察数据库,并适时更新。通过对比分析遥感影像城市规划基础资料,从中提取变化图斑。如发现疑似违法建设的图斑,将进行核查。 Recently learned from the Hubei Provincial Office of Livelihood, the province will make the first use of satellite remote sensing monitoring to assist urban and rural planning inspectors. According to the regulations, the master plan of the city, the master plan of the scenic spots and famous towns and famous villages in the historic and cultural cities as well as the protection and planning of historical and cultural blocks are all within the scope of the auxiliary assistant to remote sensing. The provincial urban and rural planning center is responsible for collecting data such as remote sensing images and basic topographic maps, forming a provincial-level auxiliary database of remote sensing and timely updating. Through the comparative analysis of the basic data of urban planning of remote sensing images, the change patch is extracted. If found suspected illegal construction of the map, will be verified.