名闻国内外的上海乔氏中国茶道艺术表演系列 ,曾被国外同行称为“中国会说话的茶道”。其舞之蹈之的独特茶道语汇 ,融千年古茶道的绝技绝艺 ,一经展现在人们的面前 ,竟会情不自禁地渐渐将您带入茶文化的深邃境界之中。近年来 ,已有美国纽约丁丁茶道馆、日本大阪樱花雨茶屋 ,澳
Shanghai famous Joe Chow’s Chinese tea ceremony art performance series at home and abroad have been called “China’s talking tea ceremony” by foreign counterparts. The dance of the unique tea ceremony language, melting millennium tea Road stunt, once displayed in front of people, could not help but gradually bring you into the deep realm of tea culture. In recent years, there have been the New York Tintin Tea House Museum in the United States, Osaka Sakura Rain Tea House in Japan and Macao