The table floats, the materialization of souls, and the sensational prophecies... These so-called psychic phenomena are very popular in foreign countries. Please look at the conclusions of the 120-year survey conducted by scientists. The three-legged table used by the small table that can float at the soul party is certainly not a very stable structure. The phenomenon of automatic floating of the table felt by those participating in the meeting of souls in the dark is actually just the inclination of the table. It is a normal phenomenon that is formed with a leg as a fulcrum. The deep deception that people feel is that the psychic wants people to believe that because of some kind of psychological appeal from their hands, small tables can float and shake in the air. In fact, this trick is very simple, but it is very clever, the difficulty lies in the artist’s proficiency, which requires a certain amount of training to master. To play this trick, you need to find a small table that is as light as possible. Its table top should have enough roughness so that one or more tackers pinned to it cannot be seen, and the nails are slightly raised. The psychic wears a special ring. There is a proper dent in the belly of the finger. When the psychic’s hand is on the table, the dents are hooked on the head of the nail. When his hand moves on the table, he is actually looking for a hook point. When the psychic felt that his “attractiveness” was strong enough, the table would swing and spin as if the table were spiritual. If the table is light and the technique of the performance is very skillful, then there is protection for success.