家住广东省广州市光塔路进步里42号的吴永川老人,2001年迎来了两件喜事:一是6月10日,他和四世同堂的一家人刚刚庆祝了自己百岁生日;二是6月25日下午,他在家中再次接受了广东省中医院医务人员的检查,三年前安装的心脏起搏器,经检查测试,运转一切良好。 吴永川老人三年前因心跳慢、头晕等入住广东省中医院。经检查,老人心跳每分钟五十次左右,间歇停跳间间为3.3秒,确诊为病
Wu Yongchuan, an elderly man who lives in No.44 Guangtu Road, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, welcomed two happy events in 2001: first, on June 10, he and his fourth-generation family just celebrated their 100th birthday; Second, on the afternoon of June 25, he once again accepted the inspection of medical staff of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine at home. The pacemaker installed three years ago passed the inspection and test and all works well. Wu Yongchuan elderly three years ago due to slow heartbeat, dizziness, etc. to stay in Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After examination, the elderly heart rate about 50 beats per minute, intermittent stop-loss interval of 3.3 seconds, diagnosed as sick