nternet跨越了时空界限 ,使世界联成一片 ,各企业间在经济上愈来愈相互依存 ,商品、服务、资本和技术越过边界的流量愈来愈大 ,建筑市场上的竞争将变得更加激烈。历史无数次证明了“适者生存”这条真理 ,任何时代的变迁都是知识作用的结果 ,同时任何时代的文明与进步都需要知识去推动 ,知识将建筑企业带入全世界 ,成为建筑业发展中的重要资源 ,也是创造财富的主要形式。我国加入WTO ,为建筑业提供了良机。
The Internet has crossed the boundaries of time and space to bring the world together and the interdependencies among businesses in the economy. The flow of goods, services, capital and technology across the borders has been growing and competition in the construction market has become more intense . History has proven countless times that “the survival of the fittest” is the truth. Changes in any age are the result of knowledge. At the same time, civilization and progress at any time need knowledge to promote. Knowledge brings construction enterprises to the world and becomes the construction industry. Important resources for development are also the major forms of wealth creation. China’s accession to the WTO has provided a good opportunity for the construction industry.