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这是1992年初冬发生在关中平原某市的一幕悲剧.然而,透过这场悲剧的内幕,人们发现制造和导演者不是别人,正是死者自己:石强、玲玲.一玲玲生长在陕北黄土高原.自打她记事起,家里就穷得叮(口当)响.五岁那年,父亲为了养家糊口,通过远房亲戚在关中某建筑公司找到了一份工作. 从此,这个清贫饥寒的家庭有了转机.玲玲自小聪明伶俐,上小学和中学时一直是班里的学习尖子,老师和父母都夸她将来一定有出息的.可是事与愿违,当她两次冲刺高等学府的大门时.都因几分之差被拒绝.看到女儿两次遭受沉痛打击的样子,当父亲的再也坐不住了.四处找关系,托熟人,让玲玲顶班到了建筑公司.玲玲知道这份工作来之不易,自到建筑公司上班后,工作格外认真吃苦,常常博得领导和同伴们的好评.这个建筑公司驻扎在一座县城,但流动性很大,今年到这个市上作业,明天到那个县施工,一些新鲜稀奇的事情也碰到的不少,特别是城市姑娘的穿着打扮和车水马龙的景象,玲玲咋看咋和农村不一样.于是,她对那“晴天一身灰、雨天一身泥” 的环境厌烦了,开始挖空心思地琢磨,梦想着一天能改变自己这种寒酸的处境.在生活 It was a tragedy that took place in a city in the Guanzhong plain in the early winter of 1992. However, through the inside story of this tragedy, it was discovered that the manufacture and director were none other than the deceased himself: Shi Qiang and Ling Ling. Since he started to remember her story, her family was poor (bangs) ringing when her father found a job at a construction company in Guanzhong through distant relatives at the age of 5. From then on, the poor and hungry family With a turning point.Lingling childhood clever clever, primary and secondary school has always been the class learning aces, teachers and parents have boasted she will certainly be promising.However, contrary to her wishes, when she twice sprint college entrance door A little difference was rejected .To see his daughter twice suffered a painful look, when his father could no longer rest .Finally looking for relationships, entrusted acquaintances, so Lingling top class to the construction company. Lingling know the job to Not easy, since the construction company to work, work exceptionally hard, often won the praise of leaders and peers .This construction company is stationed in a county, but the mobility is very large, this year to the city homework, to that county tomorrow Work, some fresh and curious things also encountered a lot, especially the city girl dressed and busy scene, Lingling ye look at the rural and not the same.So, she was “sunny day gray, rainy day mud” Environment tired, began to dig hollow mind, dream day can change their own shabby situation .In life
Five new solid complexes were synthesized about transition metals with Schiff base(L,C_ 18H_ 23NO_ 2) derived from adamantaneamine and o-vanillin, and character
目的了解北京市门头沟区2006-2015年居民死亡水平和死亡谱,为制定疾病防治策略和预防措施提供科学依据。方法按照国际统计分类(ICD-10)进行死因编码,采用Death Reg2005统计软
A hydrogen-bonded supermolecular compound [(C6H5N2O)3?Cu1.5]?6H2O was syn- thesized from picolinamide and Cu(NO3)2?6H2O at the presence of sodium pyrophosphate