一、资本的特征、职能与地位 1.资本的特征。资本的特征分为其内部特征与外部特征。表达资本本质的应该是其内部特征。马克思曾有一个被大家认同的权威性的表述,那就是价值增殖与运动。“资本作为自行增殖的价值,不仅包含着阶级关系,包含着建立在劳动作为雇佣劳动而存在的基础上的一定的社会性质。它是一个运动,是一个经过各个不同阶段的循环过程,这个过程本身又包含循环过程的三种不同的形式。因此,它只能理解为运动,而不能理解为静止物”(《资本论》第2卷第122页)。
First, the characteristics of capital, functions and status 1. The characteristics of capital. The characteristics of capital are divided into its internal characteristics and external characteristics. The essence of expressing capital should be its internal characteristics. Marx once had an authoritative statement that everyone agreed with, that is, value proliferation and movement. “The value of capital, as a self-propagation, embraces not only class relations but also certain social properties that are based on the existence of labor as wage labor.It is a movement which is a cyclic process going through various stages, Itself contains three different forms of cyclic processes, and therefore, it can only be understood as a movement, not as a stationary object ”(Capital, vol. 2, p. 122).