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艺术体操以它优美的动作、高雅的气质将美育寓于体育之中,使美育与体育得到完美的结合。从事艺术体操练习,不仅能有意识地美化人体,使其发育匀称,培养优美的形体和正确的姿态,而且还能通过对音乐的理解和运用,得到赏心、悦目、怡神的精神享受,陶冶美的情操。现如今,学生压力越来越大,越来越多的学生将课余时间用在了补习上,使得学生少了很多课余时间,身体素质和身体的形态也越来越不如从前。因此,需要在有限的时间内,找到更多适合小学生全面发展的方式。在学校第二课堂开展艺术体操课,不仅能使学生的身体形态得到良好的发展,还能在培养学生的审美能力和音乐感的同时,调节他们的心理状态,减轻他们的心理负担,使他们在轻松和愉悦的环境中身体和心理都得到放松,调节自身的机能,调整好学生的学习状态,促使其全面发展。 Art gymnastics with its beautiful action, elegant temperament aesthetic education will be placed in sports, aesthetic education and sports to be the perfect combination. Engaged in artistic gymnastics exercise, not only can beautify the body consciously, to develop a well-proportioned, to cultivate a beautiful body and the correct posture, but also through the understanding and use of music, to be happy, pleasing to the eye, to enjoy the spirit of God, edification Beauty of sentiment. Nowadays, students are under more and more pressure. More and more students spend their spare time on tutoring, which makes students have a lot less after school time, and the physical quality and body shape are getting worse and worse. Therefore, we need to find more suitable ways for the overall development of primary school students in a limited time frame. Performing gymnastics class in the second classroom of the school not only can make students ’body shape develop well, but also cultivate the students’ aesthetic ability and musical feeling while regulating their mental state and their psychological burden so that they In a relaxed and pleasant environment, both the body and mind are relaxed, adjusting their own functions, adjusting the learning status of students and promoting their all-round development.
在短跑训练中,如能全面掌握短跑技术,适当加强专项的力量练习及放松,注意运动性伤病的预防,则可以大大提高学生短跑训练水平,从而不断提高训练成绩。 In the sprint trainin
4月25日11时56分25秒,尼泊尔甘达基专区廓尔喀县发生8.1级地震。这场地震成为继1934年地震后袭击该国的最强烈地震,受波及范围包括尼泊尔、印度北部、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、不丹和中国西藏部分区域。  此次地震属浅源地震,所释放的能量是汶川地震的1.4倍。尼泊尔位于欧亚板块和印度洋板块的交界区,这里是全球地质活动最频繁的地区之一。两大板块以每年4厘米至5厘米的速度相向“漂浮”移动,在这种相互作用