目的:了解我院门诊药物使用情况,促进临床合理用药。方法:抽取我院门诊处方每月200张,3年共计7 200张,按处方点评标准进行分析。结果:处方不合理率为17.46%,每年呈下降趋势,无适应证用药为主要因素。结论:处方质量的提高需要药师与医师共同努力。
Objective: To understand the use of outpatient medicine in our hospital to promote clinical rational use of medicine. Methods: 200 outpatient prescriptions were withdrawn from our hospital every month, a total of 7 200 in 3 years. The analysis was based on the evaluation criteria of the prescriptions. Results: The unreasonable rate of prescription was 17.46%, showing a downward trend every year. Drugs without indications were the main factors. Conclusion: The improvement of prescription quality requires the joint efforts of pharmacists and physicians.