本论文针对CMOS射频集成电路设计中的sub-nH片上平面螺旋电感,提出了一种新的电感物理模型。基于片上电感的高频物理特性分析,新模型采用П型拓扑结构和RLC元件来描述sub-nH量级片上螺旋电感的集总参数特性。本论文将器件之间的互连线并入电感模型,提高了电感模型的实用性,简化了电路设计和仿真。测试结果表明,新模型在低频到40GHz的频率范围内获得了较高的精度。最后,本论文利用电感新模型设计了一个中心频率为20GHz,噪声系数为4.8dB的低噪声放大器。“,”In this paper, a new physical model for sub-nH spiral inductors in CMOS integrated circuits (IC) design is developed. Based on physical analysis of on-chip inductors’ high frequency effects, Пtopology with RLC elements is adopted to capture the lumped characteristics of on-chip sub-nH spiral inductor. The interconnects between inductors and other devices are incorporated into the proposed model, which simplifies the circuit and layout design. The new model demonstrates a good agreement with measured S-parameter within 40GHz through analytical calculation and data fitting. Finally, the proposed inductor model is employed in a 20-GHz 4.8dB-NF low noise amplifier (LNA) design for accurate circuit simulation.