为了对恶劣环境下工作的飞机结构进行耐久性分析 ,建立了腐蚀环境下的随机耐久性分析方法 .假设地面停放预腐蚀和空中飞行腐蚀疲劳相互独立 ,腐蚀环境下的结构疲劳质量服从威布尔分布 ,采用对数正态随机变量模型描述裂纹扩展过程 ,得到了裂纹超越概率的表达式 .通过与一般环境下和腐蚀环境下的概率断裂力学方法的对比 ,证实方法更接近于飞机结构的真实使用情况 ,可以用于腐蚀环境下工作的飞机结构的耐久性评定
In order to analyze the durability of airplane structure under harsh environment, a method of random durability analysis under corrosive environment is established.It is presumed that the parked pre-corrosion and air-flight corrosion fatigue are independent of each other and the fatigue quality under corrosive environment obeys Weibull distribution , The logarithmic normal random variable model is used to describe the crack propagation process and the expression of the probability of crack overcoming is obtained.Comparing with the probabilistic fracture mechanics method in general environment and in corrosive environment it is proved that the method is closer to the real use of the aircraft structure The condition can be used to evaluate the durability of aircraft structures operating in corrosive environments