A Forecasting Model of Required Number of Wheat Bulk Carriers for Africa

来源 :中国海洋经济评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwx2738
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The ocean transportation of grain bulk carriers is promoted by development of ocean economic.With the development of coastal region,the cargo transportation wi11 become more and more important,especially for the resource such as grain,oil and coal.In this study,a model is built to estimate the number of grain bulk carriers needed for wheat based upon analyzing the relationships between Tons and Ton-miles of Africa wheat transportation.We find that the agricultural policies greatly affect the wheat transportation to Africa.Then,using two scenarios, we predict how many ships are necessary for the maritime transportation of wheat from other places to Africa in the future.We believe that this research is extremely useful to maritime transportation of wheat to Africa. The ocean transportation of grain bulk carriers is promoted by development of ocean economic. Why the development of coastal economic, the cargo transportation wi11 become more and more important, especially for the resource such as grain, oil and coal. In this study, a model is built to estimate the number of grain bulk carriers needed for wheat based upon analyzing the relationships between Tons and Ton-miles of Africa wheat transportation.We find that the agricultural policies greatly affect the wheat transportation to Africa. predict how many ships are necessary for the maritime transportation of wheat from other places to Africa in the future.We believe that this research is extremely useful to maritime transportation of wheat to Africa.
小雪前一日,晨起天色阴灰,就想坐看阴灰着的这张脸上如何一朵一朵开出小小的花来。可坐至向晚,并州城里也并没有落下预料中的白雪,待雪饮酒的人倒白白惊了一日的大风。  夜半醒来,颇觉身心寂寞,寂寞且无主。想那无信初雪,应是白绫裹身的吕布女儿吧,未及单马破围就怯怯回城去了。  它兴许就没有真的想送。只将吊桥高高扯起,托言城外刀兵盛大。  辗转反侧间,已是小雪这一天的黎明了。一颗友人前日礼赠的葫芦挂在窗外的
我在沙滩上追逐猎物,她们浑圆的臀部像等待孵化的恐龙蛋,上面粘有精细的黄沙,在阳光下闪闪发亮。  在这个充满戾气的地球上,这本是为数不多比较祥和的地方。几百年前棕色皮肤的波利尼西人乘着帆船来到这里,用金黄色的羽毛织成自己的翅膀,不过他们已经不需要再次飞翔,在火山中他们找到了自己的归宿。我来了,和其他入侵者一样,带着欲望和不安,当我坐在夏威夷大学马诺阿分校宿舍的窗前,看着对面直插入海的钻石头山,总是无