It is of great value to investigate Wu Changshuo’s career as a career path, understand his life experience, understand and explore his poetry, calligraphy and seal cutting art and his inner world. His career career, full of hardships, the highest life-long post just a district “Hou Buzhi county ”. The “Shenbao” recorded its career career almost every year from 1875 to 1908, most of which was on the “declaration.” Mentioned earlier as the official, the name “Wu Jun” was in 1875, and “Wu Junqing” This name is in 1880. Although “Wuchang Shuo” first appeared in the “Declaration” in 1903, it initially appeared in the same name as the official, and the name “Wuchang Shuo” as an artist appeared on the “Declaration” later in the day In 1910, before and after 1910, it was also when Wu Changshuo became famous in the field of painting and calligraphy at sea.