为减少患者在院的术前平均住院日,提高医院床位的有效使用率和周转率,促进医院信息化的建设。现采用Oracle数据库,以Visual Studio 2008、PowerBuilder为开发工具,使用.NET和PB9对现有医院信息系统进行构建与改造。该流程涉及到的所有系统已完成改造并成功运用到医院的医疗工作中,进一步加快手术进程,提高专科医师手术的安全性。目前快速手术流程已顺利完成352例,骨科关节置换最快已将平均住院日缩短50%,患者承担的医疗费用明显减少,医院病房医护人员工作效率显著提高。为今后多学科间协作医疗打下了良好的基础,具有较强的现实意义。
In order to reduce the average preoperative hospital stay of patients in hospital, improve the effective utilization rate and turnover rate of hospital beds and promote the construction of hospital informatization. Now using the Oracle database to Visual Studio 2008, PowerBuilder as a development tool, the use of NET and PB9 to build and transform the existing hospital information system. All the systems involved in this process have been rebuilt and successfully applied to the hospital’s medical work to further speed up the surgical process and improve the safety of specialist operations. At present, the rapid surgical procedure has been successfully completed in 352 cases. The fastest orthopedic joint replacement has shortened the average length of stay by 50%. The medical costs incurred by patients have been significantly reduced, and the work efficiency of hospital staff in hospitals has been significantly improved. It laid a good foundation for the future multidisciplinary collaborative medical care and has strong practical significance.