据报导全球现有 3亿乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)携带者 ,我国HBV携带者在 1亿以上[1,2 ] 。为了解HBV在我区服务行业人员中的感染情况 ,对我区 2 0 0 0年从事食品卫生行业和公共场所卫生行业人员进行HBV感染流行病学调查 ,并根据调查结果 ,制定相应的预防措施 ,以保护消费者
It is reported that there are 300 million carriers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in the world and more than 100 million HBV carriers in China [1,2]. In order to understand the HBV infection in service personnel in our district, we conducted an epidemiological investigation of HBV infection in the health sector in the food hygiene industry and public places in our region in 2000, and formulated corresponding preventive measures according to the survey results To protect consumers