患者 女,45岁。因头痛、头晕、视物模糊半年,发热两个月于1996年3月4日入院。患者半年前开始以精神焦虑为诱因出现头痛,呈阵发性跳疼,伴头晕、耳鸣,夜眠差,同时有口干、多饮、便秘、进干食难咽、尿急、尿频、尿痛、乏力、纳差,曾测血压16/10kPa(120/75mmHg)经服用“镇脑宁胶囊,安神补脑液”等,头痛、头晕症状基本消失,视物不清症状无改善,其间曾到多家医院查眼底正常,拍颈椎片、胸片正常,未进一步诊治。两月前无明显诱因出现高热,体温达39.9℃,伴口
Female patient, 45 years old. Due to headaches, dizziness, blurred vision six months, fever two months in March 4, 1996 admission. Six months ago, the patient started to have headaches due to mental anxiety. He developed paroxysmal pain, accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus and nocturnal hypnosis. At the same time, he had dry mouth, Pain, fatigue, anorexia, had measured blood pressure 16 / 10kPa (120 / 75mmHg) by taking “Zhennaoning Capsule, soothe the nerves Bunao”, headache, dizziness symptoms disappeared, the apparent symptoms did not improve, Check the fundus to many hospitals normal, filming cervical spine, chest X-ray normal, no further diagnosis and treatment. Two months ago, there was no obvious incentive for fever, body temperature of 39.9 ℃, with the mouth