Effects of Continuous Cropping of Panax notoginseng on the Properties of Rhizosphere Soil

来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuyi9021
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[Objective] This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of continuous cropping of Panax notoginseng on the properties of rhizosphere soil. [Method] A total of 12 rhizospheres oil samples were collected in the fields continuously cropped with P. notoginseng for different years and the soil properties including pH value, contents of available N, available K, available P,total N, total K, total P and organic matter were determined. [Result] With the increase in the number of years of continuous cropping, seven soli indices: soil pH value, organic matter content, total N, total P, total K, available P and available K gradually increased, while available N showed a gradual downward trend. The contents of organic matter content, total N, total P, total K,available P, available K and available N after three years of continuous cropping were increased by 74.93%, 65.85%, 123.82%,18.78%, 341.67%, 120.16% and-32.16%, respectively, indicating that continuous cropping of P. notoginseng resulted in nutrient enrichment in rhizosphere soils. The pH value and available N in IBC(soil inside the border check) and UBC(soil under the border check) were higher than that in BBC(soil beside the border check), suggesting that the soil was gradually alkalized due to the continuous cropping of P. notoginseng. [Conclusion] These results suggest that pH change and nutrient imbalance may be the obstacles to the continuous cropping of P. notoginseng. [Objective] This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of continuous cropping of Panax notoginseng on the properties of rhizosphere soil. [Method] A total of 12 rhizospheres oil samples were collected in the fields continuously cropped with P. notoginseng for different years and the soil properties including pH value, contents of available N, available K, available P, total N, total K, total P and organic matter were determined. [Result] With the increase in the number of years of continuous cropping, seven soli indices: soil Total organic matter content, total N, total P, total K, available P and available K gradually increased, while available N showed a gradual downward trend. The contents of organic matter content, total N, total P, total K, available P, available K and available N after three years of continuous cropping were increased by 74.93%, 65.85%, 123.82%, 18.78%, 341.67%, 120.16% and -32.16%, respectively, indicating that continuous cropping of P. notoginseng resulte d in nutrient enrichment in rhizosphere soils. The pH value and available N in IBC (soil inside the border check) and UBC (soil under the border check) were higher than that in BBC (soil beside the border check), suggesting that the soil was gradually alkalized due to the continuous cropping of P. notoginseng. [Conclusion] These results suggest that pH change and nutrient imbalance may be the obstacles to the continuous cropping of P. notoginseng.
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