Tsakhalho:Salt Production and the Preservation of a Church

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Tsakhalho lies in Markham County, Chamdo Prefecture of the Tibetan Au-tonomous Region(TAR).Geo-graphically it looks quite mysteri-ous and it has a unique culture. Formally,it is referred to as"Tsakhalho Jangba(Naxi)ethnic Town of Markham".It is
Editor's Note:Note:Dalai Lama has been changed so popular these years that it seems he becomes a logo to some extent.But who is the Dalai Lama?Most of peopl
About seven years have passed since we visited Pemako. I wonder if the deity Vajrayogini has protected Tibet's last tigers in this sacred hidden land.
Situated at the southern end of the ancient northern pole of bio-geographic terrain,by combing the natural geographic
再去探讨白糖市场时,价格已经从6800元/吨回落到了6400元/吨的水平。本来按照往年的惯例,到了年末市场正是用糖高峰时期,但今年的销售却异常清淡,这是为什么呢?  这个要从08年开始说起,2008年,全球经济一片凋敝,白糖价格也不能独善其身,那时,由于白糖的种植地区特别集中,最大糖厂都集中在广西一带,于是在价格暴跌之后,几家大的糖厂拧成一股绳,通过把货都抛到现货市场,抛出低价来,挤占其他竞争对手